killing it on the world map or in the cave does not prevent it from appearing at the other. Deathclaw status is no longer linked, i.e. Invasions are now entirely optional (including Necropolis), and invasion dates can be customized, anywhere from instant to 4x their default values. Fallout 1 Restoration Mod, version 1.0b1 FreeSpace variable is set to 0 by default, so you won't have to worry about that crash either. Cathedral Crash Fix (and other fixes by Sduibek for the Cathedral, Military Base and The Glow crashes)
These are all included with my mod do NOT download or install them: I will cry for hours due to my feelings being hurt, and then respectfully consider your opinions. If you notice things that are included that you think shouldn't be, send me an angry email. If such changes aren't optional at the moment, they will be made optional in a future release. Major or 'non-canon' changes to the game by Fallout Fixt are usually optional during installation. In addition, there are hundreds if not thousands of text&dialog fixes. As of the most recent version, this mod fixes roughly 150 bugs still present in the unofficial patches, and adds roughly 170 features. In addition to that, all other available mods and patches are rolled into Fixt (see below), meaning that Fallout Fixt is the only thing needed for 'the best' Fallout 1 experience. This includes fixing bugs, restoring features, modifying balance, adding features, and many fixes to text/dialog.

To enhance, fix and improve the Fallout 1 experience.
› Fallout 4 1.10.98 Patch Download ▆ ▆Ģ00 MB to download, up to 540 MB installed (if all options selected) AKAįixes Only, Standard, Full, Custom.